Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Blog #6

 The three videos they are talking about Maxtrix. It talk about the meat and animals product where it come from. They put animals into a small space with no sun o no fresh and they can move there have to stay still.

.There are many factory farms because of Money.  The factory farms reduce costs and sell cheap, and then they will get more customers. The government is happy because they can get more taxes., Some rich people control local laws under table. 

This make me want to research more about situation because I can learn about it more about how  they treat animal bad and how they can sick.

People keep eat dirty and with the disease of animal’s meats, we can get very sick. I will like to help my family to avoid the unhealthy meats.

I will change my way of life regarding my purchasing of animals products because I would want to eat fast food anymore cause I don't want to get sick.


  1. after i saw your blogger, i have more clear about Meatrix. i totally agree with your opinion of don't eat fast food. i do this way too. this is useful way to protect ourselves healthy.

  2. You give a new idea about why there are so many factory farms, because some rich people control local law under table.
    It's a nice blog post, i like it.

  3. nice blog....but here is not good reflection i think. you said clearly about meatrix.

  4. How a interesting way of "some rich people control local laws under table" to describe the rich people who control the industry. I agree with your opinion.

  5. you need to include more reflection and you to clear about you saying.

  6. This is nice summery but meat is not dirty.

  7. you wrote good blog post. but meat is not dirty but is not free from chemicals and is not good for our health.

  8. i also agree that we should stop eating fast food because it would affect our heath how do you think people would stop eating fast food?

  9. "i agree your opinion, "People keep eat dirty and with the disease of animal’s meats, we can get very sick".

  10. Hi Ms. Maritza at the beginning of the essay you state what the movie talks about. However you then set up an example. Which it is wrong because you have to include a thesis and provide the main points what will you discuss on your essay. Then you were providing a main point of the movie but you didn't developed it . The good thing that you provide some examples and you state your opinion. Ms. Maritza you forgot to include a conclusion. Ms. Lourdez Maritza don't give up you just need to developed more your ideas and let know your reader what will you talk about.

  11. I like your very strong position. You have very good thoughts that you can build up your eassy effectively. keep it up and good luck your research.
